30th Reunion

The 30th Reunion was held on June 14/15/16, 2019, and by all accounts was a great success! We enjoyed excellent turnout, and have a groundswell of support for doing a 35th reunion in 2024!


We've Found Some of You

Our records are always trying to catch up with moving targets, but we think we know where a number of you are. Please have a look at the list of found classmates.

New information has been added for Chauna Sheppard.

Found Classmates

The Hard-to-Find Bunch

A number of you remain elusively out of our grasp. Please have a look at the list of missing classmates, and if you find yourself there, or anyone else whose whereabouts you know of, drop us a line to correct the issue.

Missing Classmates

In Memoriam

Visit here to learn about our beloved classmates who have passed away.

In Memoriam